
Fulop Robert

Robert Fulop Photography

Weddings & Events

Inteleg importanta evenimentului tau si dorinta ta de a pastra amintiri vii si de neuitat. Fie ca visezi la o nunta romantica intr-o locatie pitoreasca sau la o sarbatoare grandioasa in mijlocul naturii, sunt pregatit sa transform visele tale in realitate. Destination weddings, national weddings and any other events, I am the man for the job!








Fiecare cadru transmite stralucirea si exuberanta voastra intr-o maniera personalizata, pentru a crea amintiri de neuitat. Cu mine, fiecare moment devine o calatorie intr-o lume plina de culoare, pasiune si frumusete.


Cu fiecare instantaneu, ma straduiesc sa surprind si sa pastrez energia pozitiva si emotiile inconfundabile ce definesc ziua speciala a clientilor mei. Impreuna cu voi, vom crea un calendar personal al evenimentului vostru, pe care il vom valorifica in fotografii minunate.

Story Telling

Prin fotografiile mele, creez o poveste captivanta si emotionanta, un adevarat “storytelling” vizual al momentelor speciale si unice din viata clientilor mei. Cu o abordare sofisticata, transform fiecare cadru intr-o fereastra catre emotii autentice si fotografii de neuitat.

Brigitta & Szabi
We couldn't ask for a better photographer on our most important day, we had that "click" with Robert from the first time we met. He was open to our requirements and always came with brilliant ideas. Robert has taken his job beyond our expectations. We have the most beautiful, professional and natural at the same time, pictures of our wedding. We are grateful for his time, for accepting to be our photographer and for having such high quality memories for a lifetime. Thank you Robert! You are an amazing person, very professional in your work and an exceptional communicator which nowadays is not that easy to find.
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Adi & Tania
Such a great experience! We did not expect the result to turn out so amazing! Every photo looked liked a masterpiece! Robert definitely makes everything with passion and we will choose him on every occasion! Thank you!!!
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Miruna & George
Our wedding day was an extraordinary and joyous occasion filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. My husband and I were fortunate to have an incredible photographer, whose exceptional skills and warm personality made our wedding photography experience truly unforgettable
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Maria & Adrian
Recomand cu încredere 🙂 multumim pentru poze, sunt superbe, si pentru răbdarea care ai avut-o cu noi 🙂 cu siguranta ne mai vedem si la alte sedinte foto
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